Antenatal & Postnatal Care

When you first discover that you are pregnant, you will need to contact hospital maternity services. For East Surrey Hospital, you can do this online..
At the initial visit, the midwife will cover your past medical and obstetric history and will arrange for you to have blood tests and scans.
After your first appointment, you will normally be seen here at the GP surgery by the midwife.
For more information on maternity services, visit the East Surrey Hospital website..
After your baby is born, the midwife will attend to you for the first 10 days, with the Health Visitor visiting you at around the 10th day.
A postnatal check is carried out at 6 weeks, usually at the GP surgery or at the hospital for complicated cases.
Your baby will have a physical check at 6 weeks by the doctor. This first appointment will not include your baby's first immunisation as this cannot be done before your baby is at least 8 weeks old.
Useful Telephone Numbers:
Doctor 01293 611063
Midwife 01293 600300
Health Visitor 01273 242004